Thursday, November 10, 2011

My interpretation of Life as I see it

      Life as I see it, depends on the day, the mood, the weather and sometimes the people around me. There are many things that go into our perspective of things. What we have been through in our lives makes us who we are, like who was or was not a part of of your life, what did or did not happen in your childhood. These things add up, and a friend once told me that its like a suitcase you carry around with you, and everyone has one. Some may be filled with sadness, while others are angry, and yet there are still some out there that have suitcases filled with happiness and contentment. Essentially our suitcases become filled with a myriad of emotions as well as memories and lessons learned. So that is where my stories will come from, out of my suitcase and onto the page. I hope they will benefit someone in some way, whether an answer to a question or a laugh at the right moment, whatever it may be I hope it serves you well.

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